Hello World - Welcome Door for every Programmer

        "Hello World" is commonly used pair of words used in programming. Every Programmer uses this String of two words at least once in their programming career. Whenever anybody starts learning programming the first  code they write is of printing "Hello World".
        Lets see how it is written in some of the popular programming languages,

1.C programming
        C language is Invented by Dennis Ritchie in 1970s. The first edition of this language is launched in 1978.It known as mother all programming languages.  Before writing any code in C Language,first we have to include it's standard librarywhich is 'stdio.h'  i.e. standard input output header file. After including file we have to declare a function with any of the return types (return types used in C are void, boolean , int, short, long, float, double, char ).in C language 'printf()' is commonly used to print on console.
        There are few more functions to print on console and they are 'putc' and puts. 'putc' is is used to print characters where as 'puts' is used to print strings.


int main()
printf("Hello World");
return 0;             

output: Hello World

to be continued......

